The Letters of martinez de pasqually

Martinez de Pasqually, Letter of 8 April, 1769

It can be seen from all that I now say, that the origin of evil is from no other cause than evil thought followed by an evil will of the mind against the divine laws, and not that the spirit which emanated from the Creator is directly evil, since the possibility of evil has never existed in the Creator. It is born solely from the disposition and will of His creatures.

Martinez de Pasqually Letter of 16 November, 1771

Concerning the objects of which you spoke to am, I avow that I would hesitate less to send them to you if I could see those more fruitful which I have already placed in your hands. You have not the courage, you say to put your hand to so great a work until you have conviction. I declare to you that you will do the greatest wrong in waiting for my intervention. These things are absolutely at the disposition of Him who guides all.

 The science which I profess is certain and true, since it comes not from man, and he who uses it without feeling the favour should cling to it for himself alone. Christ himself has said, “Whatsoever you shall ask in my name, without hesitancy and without doubt in your faith, you shall receive.” Observe the true key of science. I believe that I should represent to you that the reflections which you have made to me should not hinder you. The reason for it is simple, although you have no conviction those who would admit you should have it, since there is nothing so free as the progress of the spirit, and if you only attend to these convictions in order to build, I may be able, perhaps, to send you all the materials which I possess and, without doubt, you should make them worth more than the first. I do not pretend, in order to refuse you what I have promised, but I much desire that you should make use of what you have.


Martinez Pasqually, Letter of 24 August, 1772

Pervaded with sentiment and zeal that you have even at present the favour of La Chose, is an assurance that it will not be cruel much longer. You should not doubt that I am filled with the sensitiveness that you have in this matter, but that which strengthens me in the special care which I propose to take for your conduct on this subject flatters me that by the assistance of L… I shall succeed in making an end of your punishment. Part 4: Notes, Extracts & Letters

There is no doubt that your example and precision in the Order which you profess with us, should be a striking example for all the members of La Chose. Therefore I think that although you may be the last pursuing this way among your brothers and equals, you should be the first in true resignation and stubborn perseverance.

Martinez de Pasqually Letter of 19 June, 1767

From the Grand Orient of Orient of Bordeaux to the Grand Orient of Lyons, June 19, 1767. To the Name of the Grand Architect of the Universe. Amen. + Joy, Peace and Prosperity.

From the Grand Orient of Orients of Masonic Chevaliers, Élus Priests of the Universe, the Masonic year 3,3,3,3, 5, 7, 9, 4, 4, 6, 601; of the Renaissance of Virtues, 2448; of the World, 45; of Christ 1767; of the Hebrew Era 5727; from the last to the first quarter of the fifth and sixth Moon of the aforesaid year, 19 June. To our Very Venerable and Very Exalted Master, our Inspector General, Chevalier, Conductor and Commander in Chief of the Pillars of the Orient and Occident of our sublime Orders. Salvation; blessed be forever more our Very Venerable Master.



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The public and private conventions which I have held with my Sovereign Tribunal oblige me to write you and interest you, as a member, in all the circumstances which presented themselves to me in the different cities through which I have passed in my route from Paris to Rochelle, and from thence to Bordeaux. I will not recite and detailed circumstances, but a sketch in gross, for fear of wearying you with the many recitals of favours received from many Masons of good faith in the different secret lodges of' all the provinces, within the environs of Paris, and afterwards at Ambois, Blois, Tours, Poitiers, La Rochelle, Rochefort, Saintes, Blaye and Bordeaux.

They asked of me if I wished to place them under the protection of the Sovereign Tribunal of Élus Priests of Paris, or if I wished them to obtain constitutions either of it or of myself. I have, in consequence, rewarded the work of Brother Basset by centring upon him the degree of Master Élus to the fifth receptacle, and upon three other brothers of the same lodge that of Small Élus to a single receptacle, in order to give them facility in presenting themselves at the Sovereign Tribunal to ask for constitutions, having left at my sovereign Tribunal the power to give all kinds of constitutions, not wishing myself to do anything upon this subject, so. I have promised it and it promises to hold their power with Just reason, I having nearly always been the dupe of my kind heart and too easy in disposition, as you have been able, indeed, to see and to say to a number of honest persons Since you were at Paris and as you have been able to judge by yourself.

The Venerable Master of the lodge, Basset, while speaking of the perfect union of La Rochelle, has, in consequence, gone on Monday last to present himself at Paris, with four brothers, to make a request before the Sovereign Tribunal. I replied to these excellent appeals that to conquer without peril is to triumph without glory Part 4: Notes, Extracts & Letters and, following the maxim of my predecessors, I do not make my victory consist alone in the pardon of the guilty, and as I have done I will always do iii like cases.


Note, then, very Venerable Master, the history of my journey and my conduct at Bordeaux.

In managing your power and authority, dear Master, you will admit and select for the knowledge of these mysteries only those whom you know to possess true zeal, as our general statutes require, as this is the only means of giving protection to the sublime sciences included within our Order and concealed under the veil of Masonry.

Your very affectionate and faithful Brother and Master,


Don Martinez de Pasqually,                                               +

 Grand Sovereign                                                               +  +


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