Author's Blog

My work as a writer is ongoing, and more work, both in the form of books, papers, articles, and interviews will be published here in the upcoming months and years.


at a time

The Montélimar Time Slip - Hoax, Myth or Paradox?

Was the Montélimar Time Slip (sometimes called "the Case of the Vanishing Hotel") an urban myth, hoax or a genuine time slip event? Or might the psyche exist in a state of relati...  more  

The Abandoned Father

The Parable of the Prodigal Son in the Gospel of Luke: A family rift story for our own time.   more  

Les manuscrits de Grainville

Transcription de la conférence présentée à 'Sapere Aude' le 14 mars 2024 Les manuscrits de Grainville  more  

I, Job

In states of distress, anxiety, and suffering, we do well to remember that we hold a tiny part of God's light within us, even if we have lost sight of it.  more  

‘The Serpent-Myth’ of William Wynn Wescott

A critique of William Wynn Wescott's comparative lecture on serpent symbolism.   more  

Watkins Magazine: Pierre Fournié - a Life of Devotion to the Mystical Path

Polly Angelova's review in Watkins Magazine of What We Have Been, What We Are, And What We Will Become by Pierre Fournié.  more  

Five Smooth Stones

Originally published as an article in Flores et Taciturnitas in June 2023, a digital pamphlet by the Metropolitan Study Group of the Metropolitan College No. 1, Societas Rosicrucia...  more  

Allegory in Stone

Research Paper Presented to the the S.R.I.A.'s Metropolitan Study Group, on 18th March 2023 by M.R. Osborne  more  

Allegory in Stone - essai en français

Document de recherche présenté au Groupe d'étude métropolitain de la S.R.I.A., le 18 mars 2023 par M.R. Osborne  more  

Pierre Fournié: Ce que nous avons été, ce que nous sommes et ce que nous deviendrons

Transcription de Sapere Aude 338 : « Pierre Fournié: Ce que nous avons été, ce que nous sommes et ce que nous deviendrons » avec Michael Osborne  more